[DESIGN] 2011 IDEA Strategy Design Winner - 年度最佳設計策略 Boeing 787 Dreamliner

在日前IDEA宣布了今年的各類組得獎作品,波音公司的787 Dreamliner獲得了今年的策略設計獎項,在長途旅行普及的現在,傳統民航機大廠波音在面對對手空中巴士大型A350客機的競爭下,波音787在開發上的策略上,著重近年來廣泛受到重視的環保議題與創新科技,強調其節能的飛行性能與乘客舒適的飛行體驗,以突破競爭日益激烈的民航機市場。

波音787 Dreamliner大量採用複合式材料,其中高達61%為碳纖維,其他則包括鋁合金鈦合金鋁鋰合金等,大大減輕飛機重量,搭配其搭載的新型高效能發動機,787 Dreamliner較同級的飛機可節省約兩成的燃料消耗,此外複合材質也能有效降低金屬疲乏與腐蝕等現象,提升客機的耐用度。


在整體空間設計上,787 Dreamliner機內寬敞的環境,顛覆機內空間封閉狹窄的既定映像,搭配上他對於飛機內光線的設計,對於乘客來說,787 Dreamliner的環境設計使乘客感到更加的放鬆與自然,這是其他商用民航客機所沒有的獨特體驗。

Boeing 787 Dreamliner on TheAutoChannel

2011 IDEA Strategy Design Winner - Boeing 787 Dreamliner (IDSA報導)
"The 787 Dreamliner features an expansive inner architecture as well as dynamic LED lighting that replicates day-to-night light patterns, dimmable windows 65 percent larger than the competition’s and larger stow bins. It has been one of the most successful commercial airplane launches in the history of aviation with more than 800 orders valued at $164 billion.
"The designers leveraged the composite fuselage technology by providing substantially bigger windows and a more natural environment to dramatically improve the claustrophobic, fatiguing experience of air travel and to attract the airlines to purchase the 787 by making it more desirable to the end customer, i.e. the passenger." – Philip Swift, IDSA, Director of Industrial Design - North America, Crown Equipment"

數據內容參照Wiki Boeing 787 Dreamliner

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