Defective Detective
The Monk and The Monkey
Defective Detective和The Monk and The Monkey是兩部來自Ringling College Of Art And Design學生的作品,Defective Detective在今年獲得了Ringling College第八屆的學生動畫獎。兩部影片的劇情和完成度都很棒,很值得台灣的學生做為借鏡。
"The Music for the film was composed by Raphael Beau, who wrote the music for Micmacs (directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, who also directed Amelie). We really loved his work and sent him a version of our film in very early stage. Luckily he saw the potential in it and agreed to write music for us. We were extremely happy and he did such a fantastic job............"
在Cartoon Brew的介紹裡面提到,大意是他們寄了初期的影片給電影Micmacs的樂師Raphael Beau請他幫忙製作影片的配樂,幸運的是Raphael Beau也覺得這部作品相當有潛力,於是便與我們展開了合作。在台灣,學生的作品大多靠自己和朋友們協力完成,但也因為如此,常常受限於這些條件。雖然不是每個人都能有Defective Detective作者Avner Geller和Stevie Ray那樣的際遇,但是好的創作值得努力去追求做到盡善盡美,也正因為如此我們才能從創作的過程中成長,勉勵大家。
部分內文摘錄自Cartoon Brew
圖片轉載自Avner Geller和Stevie Ray的網站